What to Watch on Netflix? Keeping Up Appearances


Currently on Netflix: It says one season, but in actuality it’s season 1-5, missing the last four episodes.

In the spirit of British comedy, Keeping Up Appearances pokes fun at the class system. Especially the lengths some people will go to appear “distinguished.” and climb the social ladder.

Hyacinth Bucket, pronounced “Bouquet” (Patricia Routledge): Hyacinth makes it her mission to give off the appearance of “high society.” This desperation often gets her caught in awkward situations. As the English can “never really escape one’s birth,” Hyacinth does all she can to keep her less “refined” relatives from revealing her background. Hyacinth’s intensity scares many of the people around her (including the postman).

Richard Bucket (Clive Swift): Hyacinth’s husband, Richard doesn’t share Hyacinth’s regard for high society. He often just plays along with whatever she has planned though as it’s easier that way. Unlike Hyacinth, he chooses to go along with reality.

Elizabeth Warden (Josephine Tewson): The Bucket’s neighbor, Elizabeth always, somehow, gets wrapped up in whatever Hyacinth is doing. Being around Hyacinth makes Elizabeth particularly nervous and this causes her to come off as clumsy, when in actuality she is quite capable.

Daisy (Judy Cornwall): One of Hyacinth’s sisters, Daisy remains in the working class. Hyacinth is embarrassed by this side of her family and whenever Daisy and the rest of the family come over she goes for a quick visit. Daisy still regards Hyacinth highly and is proud of her sister and the fact the she is climbing the social ladder. Their father lives with Daisy and her husband, Onslow and the other sister, Rose.

Onslow (Geoffrey Hughes): Daisy’s husband, Onslow doesn’t care for much. He is quite rude and Hyacinth never really liked him. Whenever Onslow, Daisy and Rose come round, Hyacinth becomes even more anxious. Onslow is the embodiment of everything that Hyacinth dislikes about the working class.

Rose (Shirley Stelfox, Season 1; Mary Millar, Season 2-5): Rose is another one of Hyacinth’s sisters. Rose is often distressed over the men in her life (and the fact that they won’t leave their wives). After each failed affair, Rose gets a little melodramatic (saying she’s going to kill herself).

Emmet Hawksworth (David Griffen): Elizabeth’s brother, Emmet moves in with Elizabeth after his divorce (season 2). Emmet is less cordial towards Hyacinth than Elizabeth is, but he is equally as frightened.

Michael, the Vicar (Jeremy Gittens): Hyacinth’s constant attempts to impress the vicar with her “candle-light suppers” and get-togethers always result in failure. The vicar feels she is well-meaning though and keeps returning.

Keeping Up Appearances may seem a little old fashioned for some, but it really is timeless. It does deal with more British themes, but it is good for a laugh. It’s also great for group watching. Family, friends, lovers, acquaintances, young, old, British, non-British, Keeping Up Appearances is fun for all. So, get some tea and biscuits and get watching!