Serial Spinoff ‘Undisclosed: The State v. Adnan Syed’


If you, like me, were briefly immersed in the life of Adnan Syed and the 20-year-old unsolved murder of Hae Min Lee, then you’re going to be excited to hear that a spinoff to the famous podcast, Serial, has been announced. Rabia Chaudry, a close family friend of Adnan and attorney who originally brought the case to Sarah Koenig’s attention and inspired Serial, is bringing something new to tantalize your eardrums. Chaudry will be hosting a new podcast, Undisclosed: The State . Adnan Syed, alongside two other attorneys, Susan Simpson and Colin Miller.

The podcast is not supposed to be a narrative like Serial but is instead an informational series that’ll certainly push you over to believing Adnan’s innocence if you weren’t already there. None of the lawyers are experienced radio hosts and they don’t intend to present like they are. They talk fast, the audio is at times fuzzy, and the volume levels vary. This doesn’t take away from the fact that the podcast is interesting and satisfies any Serial obsessive’s desire to learn more about the case.

Chaudry’s goal is to correct the information that Serial got wrong—such as the cell phone tower data—and ultimately help clear Adnan’s name. Chaudry immediately admits her strong bias toward believing that Adnan is innocent, so those who are looking for an unbiased interpretation of the case or who left Serial strongly believing in Adnan’s guilt aren’t going to be happy with Undisclosed. This is more for those Serial fans that weren’t completely fulfilled after the series ended.

The first episode, “Adnan’s Day,” just recently aired and details the events on January 13th, showing that it couldn’t possibly have been Adnan who committed the murder. It has witness statements and makes sure to point out that it isn’t necessarily Adnan who forgot what happened that day, but more that his classmates and friends didn’t have consistent stories. Check out the first episode, and be sure to tune in biweekly to get your fix.