Lauren Conrad: Celebrate (Book Signing)

Barnes & Noble - Tribeca 97 Warren St, New York, NY, United States

Lauren Conrad will be at Barnes & Noble - Tribeca to sign copies of her new book, Celebrate. * Purchase may be required. Please contact the venue for all details. Click RSVP for more information.


Frightened Rabbit

Rough Trade NYC 64 N 9th St, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Pre-order the new Frightened Rabbit "Painting of a Panic Attack" CD or LP starting on Thursday, March 3 to receive a wristband for the in-store performance and signing on Tuesday, March 29th. Pre-order the album at Rough Trade NYC. Must be pre-ordered at Rough Trade NYC, cannot be purchased online or over the phone. Pick […]


Cameron Diaz: The Longevity Book (Book Signing)

Barnes & Noble - Union Square 33 East 17th Street, New York, NY, United States

Cameron Diaz will be at Barnes & Noble - Union Square to sign copies of her new book, The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time. * Purchase may be required. Please contact the venue for all details. Click RSVP for more information.


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